Summer is finally here, and has brought us the usual crap that comes with it. I enjoy the weather and the heat, but for some reason, the hotter it gets the less clothes people will wear in public. The strange thing is no one bats an eyelid when people parade in the street with nothing on but a pair of shorts, and they think the heat is a good enough reason for nudity. This doesn't really matter to me, it's just a little thing i have noticed.
This then brings me on to my next topic of swimming. Swimming is usually an activity that people participate in during summer, and to be honest i hate it. No, that's not fair. I don't hate the act of swimming, I hate swimming pools.
Now I know you're thinking: 'How can you swim without a swimming pool' and if you do think that then you're adopted.
It's not the swimming pool itself that i detest , it's the people inside the pool.
Hundreds of sweaty half naked people really don't interest me to be honest, and a facility that is full of them is not really going to interest me in the slightest. The people wouldn't be so bad if they were of average size and looked normal. But most of the time that I go to a swimming pool, i see people like this:

Yes, thats right. I always see your mum........
More pointless complaining coming soon.....