
Hello and welcome!

You have appeared to stumble upon my blog. It being intentional or not doesn't matter, you are here now and may not leave.

So wipe your feet at the door, and welcome to my mind.

Friday, 5 March 2010


Yes i have returned! I'm not sure why i decided to abandon my Blog, but it doesn't matter as i am now back!

Choosing a topic for a blog is always tricky, so i decided to hit one of the tough topics with Religion. Now I'm not sure where you stand on Religion, and do remember that these blogs are only my opinion and I'm not trying to offend anyone. Nevertheless i must state that personally i find most Religion pointless and quite frankly utter nonsense.

Now you religious people may be offended by my last remark, but can i kindly remind you to grow up and get over yourselves. Anyone who preaches religion needs to be able to accept the fact that 'non-believers' think you're insane. Lets take Christianity for example. What sort of a person will willingly devote their lives to the stories in a book!? It's blatant stupidity! If i decided to start my own religion based on the stories of 'Harry Potter' I'd find myself in a mental institute faster than you can say bullshit. Realistically, Christianity was founded on the fact that Mary was having a bit on the side and got careless. This then resulted in her getting pregnant with another guy's baby. Thus she just told Joseph the baby was conceived via some kind of miracle making the baby part God. Which of course meant she wouldn't be stoned to death for being a whore.

Now again i would like to remind you that his is merely my opinion. And as much as i do hate religion, i do respect people who do believe in that kind of thing, as long as they don't try and force it on other people.

Which leads me to my next point of 'door-to-door' religious preachers. The fact that they think they can preach to people in their own homes both confused and infuriates me. Do they think people don't have anything better to do with their time than listen to some bullshitting religious twat blabber about how much he loves Jesus?

I do have the feeling i may have pissed someone off, but i really dont care :)
more pointless complaining coming soon.....


  1. Haha, love it! Especially the labels at the bottom. They summed the whole thing up beautifully!
    Sock it to the big man!

  2. "And as much as i do hate religion, i do respect people who do believe in that kind of thing, as long as they don't try and force it on other people."

    Isn't this blog essentially forcing YOUR opinion onto other people, hence contradicting yourself? You hypocrit!

    Wonderful blog though!

  3. ahh not true, if i was going to people's houses and forcing them to read it then you would be right.

    but alas.. i am not :p

  4. Ah, so you're putting all religions under the same umbrella rather than talking just about Christianity?
    I don't think many Christians go round to people's houses! Other religions, yes, are extremely forceful.
