The idea that anyone in the world can say anything about everything is probably the most ingenious yet dangerous idea anyone has ever had. The written word is incredibly influential, it is guaranteed that if something has been written that some idiot will believe it, no matter how ridiculous it actually is.
A brilliant example of this is the tabloid. Being a fan of the TV show 'Heroes' and also being male i happened to stumble upon this picture of Hayden Panettiere:

and the text that went with this was:
'Camera friendly Hayden Panettiere gets a taste of perspiration from the rear'
Do you really think that Hayden tastes her own arse sweat? Realistically, if you believe this then you are a moron. There is no argument. As sweet and tasty as she is, Hayden would obviously not taste herself, especially in front of the production team and her fellow actors.
This is only one of many examples of bullshit that has been believed by the gullible public.
Anyway, if you've read this far then i must have done something right.
More pointless complaining coming soon.....
Welcome to the blogosphere Ross ;) Liking the blog so far, following yours so you better keep posting, also would you follow my blog if you don't mind :).