- Lying to make yourself seem cool, because 'cool' people don't love anything
- The spawn of Satan, or one of his minions
- Jeremey Clarkson
Like most things in life Christmas has both good and bad qualities. Which is understandable as nothing is ever perfect.
As much as i hate admitting it, it has to be said that the main focus of Christmas is the build up to the actual day. This year has been the worst ever for advertising Christmas, the adverts were on the TV at the beginning of October. I even walked into a shop to find them selling both Christmas and Halloween merchandise in the same isle. This just seems completely unnecessary as most normal people do their Christmas shopping on the last week.
Even though the adverts have left me rather annoyed, there has been one advert on that fills my heart with Christmas joy every time i watch it. I am talking about the new Marks & Spencer's adverts. With celebrities such as Steven Fry, Philip Glenister and James Nesbitt celebrating the Christmas cheer and reminding us about the reasons why Christmas is so amazing. Also, the slow-mo clips of food and the sexy voice describing a 'melt in the middle chocolate pudding' which is enough to make anyone want to hump the television.
Drink is also another part of Christmas that has two sides to it. As much as everybody enjoys the odd pint when socialising with friends and family. There is always at least one person who will have one too many and end up like this:
Its always going to happen to someone when drink is involved. To say that this ruins Christmas is a lie as everyone enjoys a drink and having the wonderful feel of schadenfreude when they see their friend like this. It is another lie to claim this only happens at Christmas, this will happen wherever drink can be found. Some unfortunate twat always downs too much and ends up being sick on someones hat and having to be dragged up their stairs into bed (you know who you are). This does however bring down the Christmas cheer a bit, but usually everyone else is too drunk to care.
I could go on, but I'm boring myself. So I'll just say Merry Christmas and lets hope the next 10 years are going to be better.
More pointless complaining coming soon....
To me, that picture is what Christmas is all about.